Copyright © 2010 by John Fotheringham. For more tips, tools, and tech for Mastering ANY Language, go to Here is a run down of the top 10 things NOT to do when learning a foreign language. While what works may differ somewhat from person to person, the following should be avoided for ALL language learners: 1. Do NOT spend more than 5% of your study time on grammar, translation, vocabulary lists or any other overt information about the language. Languages are “acquired,” not learned. And acquisition by its very definition happens subconsciously over time given proper input. Which leads us to number. 2. Do NOT spend time on materials that are too difficult or don’t interest you. Motivation is one of the greatest keys to success in foreign language learning, and motivation’s favorite fuel is interest. There is a wealth of free language learning content available today; you need simply look for it (see the Learning Tools & Materials section for suggested resour...
This blog is about translation, language, grammar and Hindi.