Copyright © 2011 by John Fotheringham. For more tips, tools, and tech for learning ANY Language, go to Language schools can be a wonderful place to learn more about your target language, meet fellow learners (who can become both study partners or even lifelong friends), and get your linguistic and cultural feet wet before (or even while) immersing yourself in a new culture and foreign tongue. However, language schools can also be a major impediment to the very goal you go there to achieve: learning a foreign language as quickly and efficiently as possible. This may come as a shock to those who have been conditioned to believe that classrooms are the only place, or at least the best place, to learn a language. Here are the top ten disadvantages of formal, classroom-based language learning (at least in my view): There is an important distinction to be made between learning and schooling. Those who believe they need formal training in a language are...
This blog is about translation, language, grammar and Hindi.